Two junior high school students spend their spring break discovering the treasures of nearby Tokyo: their favorite pop culture, updated traditional sweets and special places with...
The sakura blossoms that symbolize spring in Japan are in bloom despite COVID-19, and clearly the beauty they bring gives us good reasons to look toward...
This unseasonable usherance, the result of optimal weather conditions, has caused the Japan Meteorological Agency to bring forward the dates on their flowering forecast.
Even Tokyo has its calm spots and hidden gems. We’ve scoured the city to bring you this list of locations for your walks and picnics that...
Since the area is so large, it’s extremely easy to reach Meguro River. The closest station is Nakameguro Station.
"It is considered to be the aftershock of the huge earthquake that caused the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011", said Noriko Kamaya, the Earthquake Information...
The festival — which showcases more than 850 sakura trees that line the river in the town of Kawazu — is a crown jewel of the...
As long as I had my pocket WiFi with me, and at least one bar of connectivity on its screen, I could base myself anywhere between...
Because it is so spacious, a visit to this park at any time of the year lets you forget that you are in the greatest single...
The Demachi branch of Chinese food chain, Gyoza no Osho (Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto), which offered students living in the college town free meals if they washed...
Bookmark is a JAPAN Forward feature that gives you long and different types of reads for the weekend. Each edition introduces one overarching thought that branches...
A giant forefinger points down, as if fixing on one point in a vacant lot that was once the center of a bustling town. Bold...