The court ignored the facts, previous settlements, and international law as it sought to bypass the Seoul government to punish Japan in the comfort women saga.
If those who promote the comfort women issue want the statues to symbolize peace, then remove the divisive inscriptions and let them be universal symbols.
Focusing on a South Korean student group involved in the comfort women demonstrations helps illustrate North Korea's influence behind this issue.
The End Comfort Women Fraud group says the statue and textual inscription of the “Statue of Peace” run counter to the historical evidence and mislead viewers.
A major policy shift is expected with Yoon Suk-yeol's declaration not to repeat the past mistake of dividing South Koreans between “pro-Japanese” and “anti-Japanese” camps.
The installation of the statue in Germany is not only incompatible with South Korea’s 2015 and earlier agreements with Japan, but it is an unduly one-sided,...
Following this court decision and the “final and irreversible agreement” between Japan and South Korea in 2015, this issue is now one for South Korea to...
Is Moon Jae In having second thoughts about South Korea’s dismissive approach to international agreements, human rights and the sovereign rights of other states?
South Korean films are popular around the world. But while in the film world a South Korean film called Parasite has made headlines, in the world...