With tourism booming in Japan, we visited our favorite stationery destination Ginza Itoya to hear from the ground why travelers have been so eager to come...
Bookmark is a new JAPAN Forward feature that gives you long reads for the weekend. Each edition introduces one overarching thought that branches off to...
Ah, February. A short month with long, dark nights and brief days consisting of bitter winds and plunging temperatures. The depths of winter always seems...
Norman Mineta, former Congressman from California who served in the cabinets of two American Presidents, Democrat Bill Clinton and Republican George W. Bush, and is...
Barry Barankin In the summer of 2015, I joined two colleagues and 22 students on a two-week trip to Japan. I was then...
A new study indicates that the so-called “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” is 16 times bigger than previous estimates. This swirling collection of trash between...