Japan should waste no time building up its deterrence as China and Russia — both worshipers of raw power — maliciously intrude into its waters and...
Coordinating operations, circling Japan and entering contiguous waters, warships of the Chinese and Russian navies are testing Japan’s defenses.
The call for “reclaiming lost historical Chinese territories” — reiterated at many central conferences of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and self-defined — is at the...
As China pursues naval expansion to satisfy its growing hunger for hegemonism, Japan and the UK should join hands to deter it.
Xi Jinping’s China is driven not by traditional communist ideology but the unabashed urge to control more territory. And it appears willing to risk war to...
China’s leaders have raised the defense budget in a bid to create a “world class army” and have warned the U.S. and its allies not to...