Japan faces a tense security environment. Instead of always opposing national security matters, CDP candidates must show they are able to protect the country.
The Supreme Court declares as unconstitutional the former Eugenics Protection Law. Every Japanese must reject the thinking that had led to senseless human loss.
On the second anniversary of his assassination, Shinzo Abe and his vision continue to inspire Japan as it navigates through a dangerous and unstable world.
Top AFPI China specialist Steve Yates shares insights on policy priorities the America First Policy Institute envisions if Donald Trump wins reelection.
As it stands, Japan's constitution does not contain any provisions for national defense or the eventuality of an emergency. The Diet cannot put these off.
Japan's security depends on the SDF and government continuity in an emergency. Don't let irresponsible Diet members delay amendments to the Constitution.
At 77, Japan's postwar Constitution is no longer able to defend the country. PM Kishida should push for the establishment of a drafting committee.
The Sapporo High Court ruled that the Japanese constitution requires recognition of same-sex marriage, dismissing opposition as emotional and irrational.
Critics' threats of violence against the publisher and sellers of "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters" stifle free speech.
The irony is, calling Japanese laws' non-recognition of same-sex marriage unconstitutional, the Sapporo court is ignoring the actual text of the Constitution.
Completing the 5th edition of the DHARMA GUARDIAN exercises shows the deep commitment Japan and India have made to deterrence in the Indo-Pacific.
Mr Trump is easy to understand and nothing to fear, the author says, but without Shinzo Abe, current leaders need to devise a new approach to...