Warfare is no longer a purely military concept. In cognitive warfare, the human mind is the battlefield. Everyone, civilian or military, is a potential target.
There is a worldwide heightened awareness of social media influence tactics as concerns mount over AI manipulation of audio, video, and social media content.
"But if Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine will end," says Yuriy Sak, highlighting the unbending will of his countrymen to win this war and maintain independence.
In the era of AI, truth is not free. To counter the proliferation of fake news, newspapers should pivot towards content authentication and quality assurance.
Disinformation is spreading on Chinese and Taiwanese social media about Fukushima's treated water release, including an AI-generated image of a mutant lobster.
The victory comes less than 40 years after Filipinos ousted the dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr., who had imposed a regime of military law from 1972 to...
How SARS-COV-2 evolves over the next months will determine what the end of the pandemic looks like and what kind of life will follow ー a...
Have you heard about the fake “draft resolution” of the State Senate of Wisconsin, a state in the Great Lakes region of the United...
Although the weather is still chilly, my friends drove away, one after another, to their lakeside vacation homes in another prefecture, their station wagons loaded...
By his words and actions during the global coronavirus pandemic, World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has shown that he is...
‘Wuhan virus sees Olympic football qualifiers moved — Xinhua’ Consider the above headline used by the official Chinese news agency Xinhua for its original...