Indian PM Modi visited Ukraine aiming to strengthen ties and balance relations with Russia while addressing pressure from the West and internal challenges.
Kishida protected Japan without making mistakes and implemented foreign and security policies that are the foundation of its peace, security, and prosperity.
With longstanding ties to Russia and border problems with China, India's prime minister overlooks Japan's concerns as he tries to hedge his bets in Moscow.
The G7 Summit highlighted the pivotal role of India as PM Modi and PM Kishida reinforced Indo-Japan ties and economic collaboration amid global challenges.
No other nation is disrupting the international order on such a widespread global scale. Japan must work with G7 partners to deter an aggressive China.
Japan and over 80 others pledged their support for peace in Ukraine respecting its full territorial integrity, but crucial players Russia, China were absent.
For PM Kishida, host country Italy's focus on bilateral relations and participating in Indo-Pacific security was a key takeaway from the G7 summit.
The first pontiff ever to address the G7 kicked off the June 14 session on artificial intelligence with comments before leaders and invited guests.
G7 leaders gathering in Italy have reiterated warnings about the threat to the rules-based international system posed by the three nations and by Iran.
As the G7 summit kicked off in Apulia on June 13, the top priority for the day was the continued war in Ukraine. Here are some...
Expect Japan to promote inclusivity and firmly oppose armed aggression at the June 13-15 G7 Summit in Apulia, Italy, says Cabinet Secretary Noriyuki Shikata.
Ukraine and Africa are on the agenda, and Pope Francis is expected to voice his concerns over artificial intelligence in the G7 leaders' conference in Italy.