The two-time defending world champion has endured various setbacks in recent years. While enjoying success in the sport, Momota has gained a deeper appreciation for those...
The 2020 Games will be the "Reconstruction Olympics and Paralympics," and organizers and JOC officials have repeated that message since the IOC awarded the Games to...
November 5 is “World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD)” ー a good time for each of us to share our determination to protect human life...
A giant forefinger points down, as if fixing on one point in a vacant lot that was once the center of a bustling town. Bold...
August 10 marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the National Police Reserve (NPR, Kokka Keisatsu Yobitai), the predecessor of the Japan Ground...
After Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared a state of emergency in April, Japanese people acted in a remarkable manner. The government declaration was not legally...
Who could have predicted that Japan’s Constitution would be marking its 73rd anniversary, just as the nation is in the midst of a crisis...
About five years ago, I contributed a story titled “Anticipating the Cycle of the 3rd Disruptive Revolution” (Daisan no Garagarapon Kakumei ga Okoru Shuki) to...
Megaquakes surpassing the strongest ones in Japan’s recorded history could be forthcoming, a string of findings released by Japan’s Cabinet Office on April 21...
“How is Japan handling the coronavirus?” That was the question my friends here in the United States asked me over the past month, and I...
Nine years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, 20 countries and regions out of the original 54 continue to restrict the import of Japanese food...
On March 11, 2020, Japan marked the ninth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake. The massive earthquake and tsunami devastated a broad...