Wealthy Chinese are accelerating their bids to take over financially-stressed Japanese ryokan-style hotels in fire sales triggered by the loss of guests during the...
Starting in mid-April and leading into early May, a string of big names in public security in China have fallen from power, creating quite...
“Long live the great, glorious and correct Communist Party of China!” These words of former Chairman Mao Zedong are often found on the walls of government...
The election results show that Taiwanese people are committed to upholding democratic values demonstrated and that Taiwan deserves to be treated fairly by the international community....
According to Vladimir Lenin, “There are decades when nothing happens and weeks when decades happen.” As Japan moves into the second year of the Reiwa...
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe decided to cancel his cherry blossom party for 2020 after being criticized for having invited many of his political...
EDITORIAL | The People of Hong Kong Have Spoken. Is Beijing Listening? The local district elections in Hong Kong on Sunday, November 24, resulted...