Using Twitter and other social media, emotional attackers sought to cancel a Harvard Professor's article on the comfort women issue, but documentation won out.
Facts and painstaking scholarly work helped Professor J Mark Ramseyer overcome ignorance and hate to overturn a popular fiction on the comfort women debate.
Hata provides an objective dissent on orthodox views of comfort women in Korea while also acknowledging the poverty that plagued many Chosun women victims.
The End Comfort Women Fraud group says the statue and textual inscription of the “Statue of Peace” run counter to the historical evidence and mislead viewers.
Payment terms were better for wartime comfort women than for prewar prostitutes … We should also consider that the American and German military ran comfort stations...
I respect the comfort women immensely, actually. They were strong, canny, resilient, even fiercely independent. And they weren’t a monolith. Every woman had her own story.
Citizen groups are trying to get Professor J. Mark Ramseyer’s paper withdrawn from an upcoming journal, and the South Korean media has initiated an attack on...
As academics, we are used to dealing with exaggerations. We are not used to finding that the story is pure fiction. But that is the nature...
Until countries went into various levels of lockdown, a film dealing with the comfort women issue was being screened in North America and Europe. Entitled...
The comfort women issue has generated a lot of heat. There is endless argument about how many women worked as comfort women, whether they were sex...
There has been a troubling lack of understanding of the comfort women issue. Indeed, given the refusal in many quarters to see the comfort women...
Free speech is rapidly becoming a vanishing commodity worldwide. Political correctness, pandemic fake news, social media “shadow bans,” and hidebound institutional biases at universities...