“It’s fashion, it’s changing. It’s clothing that makes sense, can be fun, has different rules for formal occasions and different rules for casual occasions.” ー Stasia...
July 25th is kakigori day! It’s a summer treat dating to the Heian period,made by spinning a block of ice over a blade for a light,...
The contents are not just candy bars and summer drinks. But by far the strangest assortment of vending machines has to be the bizarre cluster on...
One surprise was sakura jelly, consisting of pale pink jelly with a whole, open sakura flower inside. It caught my eye for being one of the...
This picturesque coastal town of Manazuru that has been called the Amalfi of Japan, sits on Sagami Bay, a fisherman’s paradise filled with huge biodiversity among...
Setsubun was originally observed in individual homes to invite in good luck for the coming year. This year Tokyo is under a state of emergency, but...
Some temples and shrines in Tokyo now offer multi-lingual fortune-telling paper strips that have something to say about work, studies, travel, love, and even health or...
We have been coping with the COVID-19 pandemic for over six months now, six of the longest months of any of our lives. And...
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of unemployment, particularly among non-permanent workers, has seen a sharp increase. I know this all...
(Part two of a short series on Hello Work) Part 1: My Hello Work Diary: Filing for Unemployment in Japan Ah, unemployment insurance. The one...