"Shogun" is not just a slickly-made exotic historical drama. It tells a powerful story about Japan and the West that is to a significant degree based...
Xi Jinping tells China to "have the courage to fight" while his new foreign minister Qin Gang talks about facing the "jackals and wolves" of the...
Associate Professor Masatoshi Murakami discusses military expansionism, human rights concerns, and the epic clash of democracies facing off against authoritarianism through the boycott.
The Prime Minister insists the Japanese abductees must be returned. His democratic credentials make him a key figure in global politics.
While China tries to grab the Senkakus, and work towards global supremacy, some Japanese newspapers continue to criticize Tokyo’s attempts to strengthen its deterrent capability.
United States President Donald Trump, known as a man of self-confident showy displays and a way with intemperate language, has impressively restrained himself beyond all expectations...
As feared earlier, Japan’s territorial negotiations with Russia have run into rough waters. In November 2018, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Russian President...
On Thursday, February 28, in Taipei, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen had to hurry back to her office for an interview with The Sankei Shimbun...
Last in a four part series. Part 1: Dr. Edward Luttwak: It’s A New Cold War with China — and South Korea...
(Third of 4 Parts) Part 1: Dr. Edward Luttwak: It’s A New Cold War with China — and South Korea Waffles Part...
(Second of 4 Parts) Part 1: Dr. Edward Luttwak: It’s A New Cold War with China — and South Korea Waffles In...
(First of 4 Parts) In a wide-ranging interview, Dr. Edward Luttwak, historian and worldwide authority on strategic relations, spoke to Yoshinari Kurose, Washington...