Indian PM Modi visited Ukraine aiming to strengthen ties and balance relations with Russia while addressing pressure from the West and internal challenges.
Maldives remains an important partner for India and Japan in maintaining peace, stability, prosperity, and access to the sea lanes running through the region.
The first multinational exercise hosted by the Indian Air Force in 61 years, Tarang Shakti aims to boost interoperability and security in the Indo-Pacific.
Protesters have forced the Bangladesh prime minister to resign and flee. Meanwhile, Japan and India are still heavily invested in the country's development.
The interests of India and Japan converge in the BIMSTEC region, and New Delhi and Tokyo should cooperate in its development, especially on connectivity.
With longstanding ties to Russia and border problems with China, India's prime minister overlooks Japan's concerns as he tries to hedge his bets in Moscow.
The Japan, South Korea and China trilateral summit was a good chance to talk but long-term progress is tempered by strains on Taiwan, trade, and other...
The deal nicely links transportation routes under construction by India with Iran's Chabahar Port while it presents several perplexing challenges for Japan.
The BrahMos missiles deal adds to the region's deterrence power and marks a new era since India will now be a major security partner of the...
Japan's next-gen fighter jet, increased collaborative efforts, and military spending signal a new, more proactive era in its defense strategy.
Completing the 5th edition of the DHARMA GUARDIAN exercises shows the deep commitment Japan and India have made to deterrence in the Indo-Pacific.
Japan and India have significant public and private investments in Myanmar which they must reframe due to the current civil war and China's growing influence.