The Emperor and Empress’ visit comes as the international situation is in tremendous flux, and Japan and the UK have major roles to play in keeping world peace.
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The Emperor and Empress are welcomed by King Charles and Queen Camilla at a ceremony in London, England, on June 25. (Pool photo)

The success of the visit by Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako to the United Kingdom has once again demonstrated the significance of diplomacy by members of Japan's imperial family

The Emperor and Empress wrapped up their eight-day visit to the UK and returned to Japan on June 29. In the UK they met with King Charles III and other members of the British royal family. Furthermore, they deepened the ties of friendship that bind the British and Japanese royal houses. Wherever they went, they were warmly greeted by the British public and Japanese residents in the UK. In all, their visit was a resounding success in terms of forging ties of friendship between our two island nations.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Emperor and Empress for their efforts and welcome them home. 

Her Majesty the Empress and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, enter Buckingham Palace in a horse-drawn carriage in London, England, on June 25. (Pool photo)

Gratitude to the King and the UK

At the same time, we extend our deep gratitude to King Charles and Queen Camilla, the British government, and the British people for the warm hospitality they extended to Japan's imperial couple during their stay. 

Since they were state guests, the Emperor and Empress attended various public events in the UK. They included a colorful welcoming ceremony as well as a carriage parade. The Emperor and Empress also presented a floral tribute at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior within Westminster Abbey

The Emperor stands next to the his hosts at a banquet hosted by Britain's King Charles and Queen Camilla at Buckingham Palace in London on June 25. (©PA/Kyodo)

Especially noteworthy was the official dinner in their honor. It was hosted by the British royal couple and held at Buckingham Palace on June 25. Emperor Naruhito delivered a speech in English while wearing the Order of the Garter, the highest honor that can be bestowed by the British sovereign. 

In his remarks, the Emperor touched upon World War II. He declared, "There was previously the sad period during which the friendly relationship between our two countries suffered." He also emphasized how the Showa Emperor (Hirohito) and Heisei Emperor (Akihito) had deeply yearned for friendly bilateral ties with Great Britain and peace throughout the world.

The Emperor and Empress of Japan view the Royal Collection with King Charles and Queen of England at Buckingham Palace in London on the afternoon of June 25. (Pool photo)

Nurturing Bilateral Cooperation

There are myriad ways in which bilateral cooperation and interchanges are accelerating in various sectors. Emperor Naruhito said that he sincerely hopes Japan and the UK will build an "enduring relationship based on friendship, goodwill, and cooperation." 

The Emperor's statement reflects his embodiment of the thoughts and intentions of his grandfather the Showa Emperor and his father the Emperor Emeritus. It also reflects the feelins of the Japanese public during their respective reigns. Now, too, Japanese people share a burning desire to see these sentiments live on in the Reiwa era.

Likewise, the speech of King Charles was filled with admiration and affection for Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako and the Japanese people. The King said, furthermore, that "deep friendship" forms the core of the bilateral partnership. He added that this is the result of "mutual understanding of the importance of international rules and global institutions, forged from the lessons of history, including its darkest years."

Japan's Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako visit the Merton College, on the day of a Cherry Tree ceremony, as they continue their state visit to the UK, in Oxford, Britain, June 28, 2024. (©REUTERS/Isabel Infantes)

Strengthening Ties Over Decades

On June 28 the Emperor and Empress paid a homecoming visit to Oxford University. Oxford is where both of them had previously studied. Their smiling faces reflected awareness of how successful their visit to the UK had been. Without a doubt, it had warmed hearts in Japan and the British Isles. Moreover, it strengthened the ties between our two democracies.

With the international situation in tremendous flux, Japan and the UK have major roles to play in maintaining world peace. The Japanese people are delighted that the visit went so smoothly. We sincerely hope that it will lead to further deepening of bilateral relations. 


(Read the editorial in Japanese.)

Author: Editorial Board, The Sankei Shimbun

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