At his home in Kyoto, Peter MacMillan is undertaking a monumental task: translating the entire "Manyoshu." What drew him to...
Tokyo Game Show was a blast for IGN Japan's chief editor, with a record number of exhibitors, Monster Hunter demo, Hideo Kojima, proud dad moments, and...
EVs are important to achieving decarbonization, and a domestic supply chain for EV batteries is critical for Japan's automotive industry and economic security.
As major Japanese companies withdraw as Olympic sponsors, the question on everyone's mind is what changes will it bring to the Games, and will China step...
The move comes more than 10 years after the women's judo team was rocked by accusations of verbal and physical abuse during former coach Ryuji Sonoda's...
Award-winning translator Peter MacMillan reflects on how his Irish childhood shaped his passion for literature and what his cats have taught him about life.