Every person should conscientiously take basic precautions against infectious diseases, like hand washing, disinfecting, wearing masks, and not sharing towels.
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(Clip art via Wikimedia Commons)

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Currently in Japan, multiple infectious diseases are spreading simultaneously. Seasonal influenza has entered its epidemic period earlier than usual, and the number of COVID-19 cases is also rising. 

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, there has been a strong awareness of infectious diseases. Opportunities for people-to-people interaction also declined. In turn, that curtailed the spread of other diseases. Then as the counterreaction to distancing from other people took root, influenza spread. The 2024 outbreaks likely represent a continuing backlash against restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Keep hands clean and disinfected, and wear masks in crowds

What Works to Deter Infections

However, we cannot afford to let our guard down. Indeed, there is concern that medical institutions will be overwhelmed if the current situation continues. Each one of us needs to take precautions to prevent infection. 

Every person should conscientiously take basic precautions. That includes hand washing, disinfecting with alcohol, wearing masks, and not sharing towels with other family members at home. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare should also take every possible precaution to ensure that medical institutions do not run out of diagnostic and therapeutic drugs.

Infectious Disease on the Rise

According to the ministry, 1.04 influenza patients per medical institution were reported by approximately 5,000 designated medical facilities nationwide during the week ending on November 3. That exceeded the 1.0 patient count benchmark for the onset of an influenza epidemic. 

The number of cases then jumped to 1.88 in the week ending on November 17. Now there is concern that the number may increase further.

The flu season usually starts in December. However, 2024 has seen the second earliest start on record. (This excludes 2023 when flu was widespread throughout the year.) Meanwhile, the number of COVID-19 patients per medical institution as of November 17 had risen to 1.90.

(Bing.com via Wikimedia Commons)

This was 1.29 times the previous week's figure, marking the first increase in about three months. Akita Prefecture had the highest number of cases at 6.33 per medical institution. Iwate Prefecture and Hokkaido followed Akita. The prevalence of COVID-19 tends to peak in the summer and winter. Normally, this would be the very same time that other epidemics would begin. 


Most at Risk

People aged 65 or with underlying conditions are at particular risk of developing severe symptoms from influenza and COVID-19. So, it is important not to become complacent. The government is recommending vaccination and we encourage everyone to consider getting immunized. 

In addition, it is important to play it safe where other conditions are concerned, such as mycoplasma pneumonia. This illness has been prevalent since the summer. So has hand, foot, and mouth disease, which children are prone to contracting. Although the total number of such patients has decreased, it is still higher than in previous years. 

These diseases are transmitted through modes such as infection droplets. Each individual should respond with reason. That means not going to work or school if you have a fever or other symptoms. In such a case, we encourage you to visit a medical facility and get adequate hydration, nutrition, and rest.


Author: Editorial Board, The Sankei Shimbun

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