The Ishiba cabinet must demonstrate the will to recover possession of these Japanese islands, beginning with making Takeshima Day a national commemoration.
20th Takeshima Day ceremony

Heavy security was present near the venue for commemorating the 20th "Takeshima Day" in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture. (©Sankei by Hirofumi Kakihira)

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February 22 marked the 20th annual Takeshima Day, a commemoration established by ordinance in Shimane Prefecture.

Historically and according to international law, Takeshima (in Okinoshima Town, Shimane Prefecture) is indisputably an inherent part of Japanese territory. Nonetheless, more than 70 years have passed since South Korea illegally occupied the island. That occupation is a clear violation of Japan's national sovereignty and can never be accepted.

Despite this, the Ishiba government seems to lack any plan to recover Takeshima. At least he should recognize that "Takeshima Day" is still only a prefectural holiday and take action to remedy that. He should note, for example, that Northern Territories Day on February 7 has long been a national holiday.

For the 13th consecutive year, the government sent only a parliamentary vice minister from the Cabinet Office to Matsue City to participate in the ceremony. Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba and his Cabinet should have attended personally. There was not even a video message from the Prime Minister.

Shimane Prefecture Governor Tatsuya Maruyama delivers a speech at the Oki Alliance for Establishing Takeshima Territorial Rights, held in Okinoshima Town for the first time in 14 years.

A National Responsibility

A national government is responsible for protecting its territory and its people. Yet, in the case of Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture has been carrying out these responsibilities. Rightfully, they should be taken on as duties of the national government. Furthermore, the Prime Minister and his Cabinet should do everything possible to recover possession of Takeshima. 

2025 marks the 60th anniversary of normalized diplomatic relations between Japan and South Korea. However, if Tokyo turns a blind eye to the illegal occupation, seeking only to deepen friendly relations, it only harms Japan's national interest by putting the cart before the horse.

Historical documents record that the Tokugawa Shogunate expressly permitted sea lion hunts on Takeshima in the Edo Period (1600-1868). At the latest, Japanese sovereignty was established during the 17th century. When the territory was incorporated into Shimane Prefecture by a Cabinet decision in 1905, no other country protested.

Takeshima Islands in Okinoshima Town, Shimane Prefecture, Japan (©Kyodo)

Syngman Rhee Duplicity

However, just before the San Francisco Peace Treaty took effect in April 1952, South Koreans, under President Syngman Rhee, unilaterally established the "Syngman Rhee Line" to claim sovereignty over what it considered Korea's coastal waters. From that point, Seoul also began to claim that even the waters around Takeshima were its own. 

An illegal occupation followed in June 1954 with the arrival of a South Korean Coast Guard detachment on the island. It was meant to protest against the peace treaty, which views Takeshima as Japanese territory. 

There is no justification for any measures taken by South Korea related to Takeshima.

Japan will increase awareness by reopening the National Museum of Territory and Sovereignty in Kasumigaseki, Tokyo, in April 2025. The government should take this opportunity to strengthen its proactive information dissemination about Takeshima both at home and abroad. 


Beware a Left-leaning South Korean Government

South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, who has promoted security cooperation with Japan, has been impeached for declaring "emergency martial law." If there is a change of government, who will take control? 

Lee Jae-myung is the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, the largest progressive opposition party. Currently, he is also the leading candidate to become the next president. 

Notably, Lee castigated the Yoon administration for being a "pro-Japanese, traitorous government." Furthermore, he labeled Japan as a "militarily hostile nation." Also, National Assembly members belonging to Lee’s party landed on Takeshima in April 2024, ignoring Japan's request not to do so. 

We urge Prime Minister  Ishiba to protect Japan's sovereignty and take a firm stance against such anti-Japanese provocations.


Author: Editorial Board, The Sankei Shimbun

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