Politics & Security

The Tibet International Communication Center and China's Latest Manipulation Exercise

China has launched the Tibet International Communication Center to control the narrative on Tibet, suppress Tibetan voices, and spread disinformation globally.



Propaganda strategy meeting in the Tibetan capital Lhasa in progress on September 2, 2024 (courtesy of the International Campaign for Tibet)

In a brazen move that underscores its relentless campaign to control the global narrative on Tibet, China has launched its latest propaganda tool, the Tibet International Communication Center in Lhasa. This development, unveiled on September 2, 2024, marks a significant escalation in Beijing's efforts to manipulate international public opinion. In addition, it seeks to further suppress the voices of Tibetans. 

Far from an isolated incident, the establishment of this center is a well-calculated strategy that has been years in the making. It follows the Chinese Communist Party's  (CCP) longstanding playbook of information control and narrative manipulation. Now, however, it is supercharged with modern technology and global reach. As the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) rightly warns, this move signals an imminent intensification of China's propaganda machine. It aims to dominate the global conversation on Tibet with its distorted storytelling.

Constructing a False Reality

At the heart of this propaganda offensive lies a sinister attempt to rewrite history and erase Tibetan identity. For example, the CCP's push to replace the internationally recognized name "Tibet" with the Sinicized term "Xizang"  in global discourse. Beijing discreetly initiated this linguistic sleight of hand in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. It aligns perfectly with CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping's vision to "tell a good Chinese story" on the world stage. But make no mistake - this "good story" is nothing more than a fabrication designed to obscure the harsh realities of China's occupation and oppressive rule in Tibet. 

Official launch of the 'Tibet International Communication Center' to bolster China's propaganda on Tibet (courtesy of the International Campaign for Tibet)

The launch of the center came with a flurry of official statements that revealed the true nature of China's intentions. Wang Junzheng, the CCP's top leader in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), didn't mince words when he stressed the importance of "ideological guidance" in external propaganda. 

His call to "build a foreign discourse system and narrative system related to Tibet" is a thinly veiled admission of the CCP's intent to construct an alternative reality. In this CCP-constructed reality, a narrative of Chinese benevolence and progress replaces Tibet's rich cultural heritage and struggle for autonomy. They believe if they chant their lies a hundred times, it becomes a reality. 

Disseminating False Narratives

This new propaganda center is set to leverage a multi-pronged approach to spread its false narrative. State-controlled media outlets like China Daily and the China Global Television Network (CHTN) will undoubtedly play pivotal roles in disseminating China's perspective on Tibetan issues to a global audience. 

Qu Yingpu, President of China Daily, and Chen Zongrong, Party Secretary of the China Tibetology Research Center, at the February 2024 signing ceremony for the Tibetology International Communication Center (courtesy of the International Campaign for Tibet).

A recent agreement between China Daily and the China Tibetology  Research Center to establish the Tibetology International Communication Center shows this strategy in action. Shifting away from "monotonous data" towards "storytelling" represents a more insidious form of manipulation. Through this, the CCP seeks to "win attention and hearts worldwide" through emotional appeal rather than factual representation. This constitutes a significant threat to authentic information about Tibet's situation.

The implications of this propaganda offensive are far-reaching and deeply troubling. As the CCP intensifies its efforts to control the narrative, the voices of Tibetans are at risk of being further marginalized and silenced. Their true stories of cultural suppression, human rights abuses, and the ongoing struggle for genuine autonomy are in danger of being drowned out by a flood of state-sanctioned misinformation. Moreover, the international community faces increased pressure to adopt China's narrative on Tibet. 

Diplomatic efforts to influence policy decisions and public statements regarding Tibet's status are likely to intensify. This could potentially compromise the integrity of international bodies and governments. Expanding Chinese "cultural and educational" initiatives presenting a China-centric view of Tibetan history and culture threaten to distort the global understanding of Tibet's rich heritage and complex political situation.

A Broader Agenda

Recognizing that this propaganda center is not an isolated entity but part of a broader, more insidious strategy is crucial. The CCP's claim of facing "restrictions" in conveying its message about Tibet to the West is laughably hypocritical, considering its systematic suppression of dissent within Tibet. This false narrative of victimhood is a classic tactic authoritarian regimes employ to justify their propaganda efforts and deflect criticism. 

In the face of this propaganda onslaught, the international community must remain both vigilant and critical. China's narrative of "high-equality development" in Tibet often serves as a smokescreen for human rights violations and cultural suppression. It is imperative that global leaders, media, and civil society organizations scrutinize China's claims. They must seek out authentic Tibetan voices to counter this state-sponsored disinformation campaign.

Recent actions by United Nations human rights experts are demanding answers regarding China's repression of dam protests in Tibet. These actions serve as a model for the international scrutiny needed in such situations. Such initiatives are vital in challenging China's narrative and bringing attention to the realities on the ground in Tibet. As China ramps up its propaganda efforts, the need for Independent, fact-based reporting on Tibet becomes even more critical. The international community must support and amplify the voices of Tibetans, both inside and in exile, to ensure their stories and struggles are not erased by China's propaganda machine.

Standing Firm for Tibet

Establishing this center in Lhasa is not just about controlling information- it is about controlling minds and shaping global perceptions. It represents a direct assault on truth, freedom of expression, and the right of Tibetans to tell their own story. China seeks to "seize the power in the international discourse about Tibet."  

Secretary Wang Junzheng formally inaugurating the Communication Center (From Weibo)

The world must stand firm in its commitment to truth, human rights, and the preservation of Tibetan culture and identity. Against this propaganda offensive, silence is not an option. Ensuring that the authentic voices of Tibetans are heard and challenging China's false narratives demand a renewed commitment from the international community to support Tibet. Sustained vigilance, critical analysis, and unwavering support for human rights are essential to counter China's propaganda machine. Only then can we preserve the truth about Tibet for future generations.


Author: Professor Pema Gyalpo 

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