Susan Yoshimura introduces the JAPAN Forward team and listeners to the new website Japan 2 Earth, engaging us with the challenge of achieving the SDGs.

Listen in as Susan Yoshimura chats with the JAPAN Forward editorial team about the launch of Japan 2 Earth, a new website which is setting out to spark progress in the transition toward achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Bringing information from Japan to the world in English (and Japanese), the website will foster the conversation on SDGs, including a focus on innovations and initiatives by companies and communities in Japan and the region. 

Managing Editor of the new website, Yoshimura, who lives in Japan and has been based in Asia for over 20 years, is an American with a postgraduate degree in Environmental Education. Passionate about the environment, her background includes research program assistant at the United Nations University and more than 15 years of experience in Japanese-to-English translation in the environmental management field. 


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