Katsushika Hokusai, known simply as Hokusai, is the only Japanese to be included in Life magazine's "The Life Millennium: The 100 Most Important Events and People of the Past 1000 Years” (1998)
Hokusai continues to influence people around the world. And now the first Hokusai exhibition in its 60-year history has opened at the Suntory Museum of Art.
Hokusai possessed a uniquely keen eye for observation and an outstanding artistic ability that was not bound by any particular school of art. Painting after he interacted with, researched, studied, and reflected on various cultural figures, it is hard to fathom that his many works were painted by the same person.
A significant feature of this exhibition is that visitors are able to see one-of-a-kind Hokusai works in excellent condition from the British Museum's collection. These include not only prints (hanga) but also one-of-a-kind works called nikuhitsu-ga (original hand paintings).
Moreover, it is truly laudable that art professionals from both the British Museum and the Suntory Museum of Art are able to put together a truly collaborative exhibition based on mutual respect.
The six collectors who made Hokusai's works available to the British Museum made the exhibition possible. I did not know about them, but the catalog describes their efforts and thoughts on Japanese culture.
Despite being British, they show a deep understanding of other cultures. Their attitude toward collecting, examining, and passing on artworks is inspiring. It brought to mind my own miserable experience in London when I was asked about Japanese culture by an educated Englishman, to which I could not answer.
I hope that the people who visit the exhibition will come to know about the achievements of these British people and be inspired to work similarly in their own fields of expertise.
Of course, the exhibition includes the world famous works from the series, “Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji (Fugaku sanjurokkei).” Among them is "Under the Wave off Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura)" also known as "The Great Wave".
The well-known works are amazing, but even more impressive are the hand-painted pieces seen in such excellent condition. They are enough to make you stop and stand still in front of them for a long time, as if devouring the works. It is also an exhibition where one must be careful not to disturb others.
As always, the Suntory Museum of Art's ingenuity in signage and staging to entertain visitors is fascinating. There is also a program for children to familiarize themselves with art. Combined with the famous subject of Hokusai, both adults and children can have a wonderful time.
One can see the works from the British Museum when visiting London. But this is the only place in the world where Hokusai works from Japan and the United Kingdom are displayed in collaboration.
If you can make it to Roppongi before June 12, I recommend you visit this exhibition.
For information about the hours, tickets and location, visit the Suntory Museum of Art website, here.
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