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Fighting sleep debt in Tokyo
Whether it's insomnia, sleep apnea, an over-booked travel itinerary, or for those who live here in Tokyo, long working hours or a hobby that keeps you up late at night, a cumulative lack of quality sleep (also known as "sleep debt") is a serious problem plaguing many of the people who call this city their temporary or permanent home.
And while there are numerous affordable ways of catching a good night's sleep in Tokyo, there are far fewer options available for those who just need a good nap during the daytime.
Sometimes as little as 30 minutes, or at most a few hours of restorative sleep can make all the difference in how you enjoy your time and perform whatever tasks you need to do.
Few options for daytime naps
Those of you with experience in Japan may be thinking there are other ways of taking a nap. You could go to a manga or internet cafe and sleep or even use a love hotel and their kyukei 休憩 (rest) course. However, those options are not ideal.
While the staff at some manga or internet cafes in Japan turn a blind eye to sleepers, other cafes have explicit rules prohibiting them and yet others will handle it on a case by case basis (with snorers at a disadvantage).
As for love hotels, not everyone feels comfortable going to one solo, let alone sleeping in one, and some hotels prohibit it outright.
So, then, where in Tokyo can you go to sleep comfortably, affordably, and with the peace of mind that comes from knowing it's a reputable establishment specifically designed for that purpose, so you can sleep to your heart's content? You may want to consider the Nescafe Sleep Cafe.
The rest of the article can be viewed on our partner’s website, grape Japan at ”Nescafe Sleep Cafe To Open Permanently, Offering Affordable, Customized, Comfy Naps“