In his Sado wildlife series, photojournalist Fumie Oyama showcases the black kite, a bird...
With Trump as President-elect, Japan aims to solidify the Japan-US alliance, strengthening ties and...
Two former presidential advisors share insights on what US President-elect Donald Trump might prioritize...
'The idea is that we have to be tough with our enemies, but we...
The pressure being exerted on Chinese citizens residing in Japan violates their human rights....
Key contributions from several players have ignited the Utsunomiya Brex during their early run...
Until March 2025: a new Demon Slayer exhibit at CREATIVE MUSEUM TOKYO showcases the...
Explore the POKÉMON × KOGEI exhibition at Tokyo's Azabudai Hills, open until Feb 2,...
To veteran anti-whaling activist Paul Watson, Japan has been both a muse and the...
Takeo Akiba met for more than four hours with China's top diplomat and raised...
Fish including blackthroat seaperch and sea bream were shipped from Wajima Port in Ishikawa....
The government, as well as astronauts Ayu Yoneda and Makoto Suwa, must be able...