Explore the life of Colonel Nakagawa, who gained respect even from the Marines during...
In an interview, Sakamoto pushed 5-time LDP leadership candidate Shigeru Ishiba to explain his...
Shogun's record-breaking feat is a triumph for Hiroyuki Sanada and highlights Hollywood's growing diversity,...
Rice is the foundation of Japan's culture and food security, and a long-term strategy...
Despite a dip in his offensive production in September, Ohtani remains on target to...
A Belarusian defense official says Pokémon GO was a tool for spying, stoking anti-Japan...
The Japan Meteorological Corporation has released its first fall foliage forecast for regions across...
A new project in Chiyoda Ward aims to decarbonize by generating solar power on...
Japan and South Korea need to remain alert to the risk that left-wing forces...
Building its largest-ever marine platform, the Japan Coast Guard is preparing for patrols, support...
Wary of China's growing influence, India is increasing its engagement in the ASEAN region,...
The TV series Shogun starring Hiroyuki Sanada entered the Emmys with twenty-five nominations in...