A method to convert food waste into fuel will be tested at the 2025 Osaka Expo. If successful, it could play a key role in a future decarbonized society.

Osaka Gas's under-construction methanation demonstration facility for the Osaka Expo in Konohana Ward, Osaka, on February 7, 2023. (©Sankei by Yohei Ushijima)

Read the full story on Japan 2 Earth - Osaka Expo: Does Biomethanation Hold the Key to a Decarbonized Society?

Osaka Gas is set to demonstrate biomethanation technology at the 2025 Osaka Expo. Could biomethanation hold the key to decarbonization? The company aims to promote the concept of a future decarbonized society that effectively utilizes local resources like food waste. Both domestic and international visitors are to be targeted.

The Test Facility

The test facility is currently located on about 600 square meters of land on Osaka's Maishima Incineration Plant site. It includes equipment for water electrolysis to produce hydrogen, tanks for storing hydrogen and methane, and equipment for methanation. These are tightly packed together on the relatively small site.

Osaka Expo
The methanation demonstration facility being constructed by Osaka Gas for the Expo with the Maishima Incineration Plant in the background. (©Sankei by Yohei Ushijima)

Still not completed, Osaka Gas's experimental facility will eventually be relocated to Yumeshima Island where the Expo is scheduled to open in April 2025. 

Continue reading the full story on Japan 2 Earth to learn more about how biomethanation works.

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(Read the article in Japanese.)

Author: Yohei Ushijima

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