While exercising caution due to the Omicron variant, young twenty year olds still gathered in Tokyo and across the country to celebrate the occasion.
2022 has kicked off and the Omicron variant is showing no signs of stopping.
The new daily infections are still relatively low in Japan, but with the continuing presence of COVID-19, the mood is still one of cautious celebration.
This is true also for the uniquely Japanese Coming of Age Day holiday, which falls on January 10.

On this day, young men and women who have turned 20 in the past year, the legal adult age in Japan, mark the occasion in a formal ceremony in their hometown or local ward, followed by celebrations with their family and friends.
It’s an occasion for everyone to dress up and take selfies together.

Men generally wear suits. Women wear colorful kimonos and neck furs to protect from the chilly January weather, providing good material for photo ops.
This year is particularly significant since it is the last year that the age of adulthood is 20 years old. From the coming financial year starting in April 2022, the legal adult age in Japan will be dropped to 18.

Check out how people celebrated the day in the photo galleries above.
Author: JAPAN Forward