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Pretty but prickly – Izu Shaboten Zoo dresses up cacti plants for Hinamatsuri

If you are looking for something a little more quirky for Hina Matsuri then Izu Shaboten Zoo has got you covered. With their Shaboten Hinamatsuri display featuring ‘cactus dolls’.




Hinamatsuri or Girl’s Day is one of the next big events on the Japanese calendar. In the days leading up to it families display a collection of ornamental dolls at home, in order to celebrate and pray for the good health and wellbeing of growing girls.

The ornamental collection is believed to represent a Heian-era wedding, and consists of intricately decorated dolls representing the emperor, empress, as well as their musicians and attendants.
Sometimes the collection can be quite large, with dolls that have been passed down from generation to generation, each elaborately decorated and well cared for.

If you are into Japan’s more traditional side, then this is the matsuri for you. However, If you are looking for something a little more quirky and unique, then Izu Shaboten Zoo has got you covered, with their Shaboten Hinamatsuri display made from a platform arrangement featuring ‘cactus dolls’.

The rest of the article can be viewed on our partner’s website, grape Japan at “Pretty but prickly – Izu Shaboten Zoo dresses up cacti plants for Hinamatsuri.”

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