
Shibuya Crossing, Ginza 4-Chome and More Become Picture-Perfect CGI Worlds for Film and Music Videos

You're making a video but you can't get permission to film that best Tokyo intersection with its 24-7 energy. There's now a way around that! Here's how.



Computer Generated Images for videos and promotions (PR Times)

There are many places across Japan that are in high demand as shooting locations for video-related productions, however due to strict regulations and privacy laws, achieving authorisation for filming at these spots can sometimes prove difficult or even impossible.

The good news for those in the industry is that with modern technology there are alternative ways to get the job done.

Digital Reality Location is a project that solves that very problem by fully reproducing locations through complete 360° CGI. With the software artists can freely set the time zone, angle and era of the location to help bring their masterpiece to life.

The project is overseen by Geek Pictures and Visual Mantokyo, and currently offers virtual versions of Shibuya Scramble Intersection and Ginza 4-chome intersection. On top of that, there are plans to expand the project to include areas around Tokyo Station, Akihabara and Kyoto.

Curious to see how the locations look? Check out the commercials for the project which show how the photorealistic CGI world can really bring creativity to life.

CGI World virtual locations in Tokyo (Via Grape Japan)

The rest of the article , along with several promotional video showing you how it works ー and great examples of a fashion catwalk at Shibuya Scramble, music videos, dancing and more ー can be viewed on our partner’s website, grape Japan at "Shibuya Crossing, Ginza 4-Chome and more become picture-perfect CGI worlds for use in film and music videos".

(Interested in CGI? You may also like: INTERVIEW | Attack on Titan Director Reveals Secrets Behind His Style in the Final Season.

Author: Grape Japan.

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