A source has revealed that the first F35-A stealth fighter jet will arrive at Misawa Air Force Base in the spring of 2026.
F-35A figher jet

The F35-A stealth fighter jet. (©SANKEI)

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The United States Air Force has informed Japan that it plans to send its first F-35A stealth fighter jet to Misawa Air Base in Aoyama Prefecture in the spring of 2026, according to a local government source.

In July, the Air Force announced that it would gradually swap out the 36 F-16 fighters in service at the base for the newer F-35A fighters, but it didn’t provide a timeline. A source close to the matter said that the Tohoku Defense Bureau of Japan’s Ministry of Defense was informed of the schedule by the US military. It then relayed the information to local governments such as Misawa City.

The US side additionally communicated that the base facilities will also need to be upgraded or replaced to store and protect the new fighters, according to the source.

As the anticipation of the new fighters grows, local governments and residents have also voiced concerns about increased noise from the louder engines on the F-35A compared to the older F-16s, and the higher number of aircraft that will operate out of the base.



Author: The Sankei Shimbun

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