Mayor Kazuo Kishida of Hokota, Ibaraki, presented PM Fumio Kishida with Quincy and Ibaraking melons, describing them as "the world's best."
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Prime Minister Fumio Kishida tries out some melons from Mayor Kazuo Kishida of Hokota City, Ibaraki. May 8 at the Prime Minister's Office. (©Sankei by Ataru Haruna)

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida received a delicious gift from Mayor Kazuo Kishida of Hokota City, Ibaraki. At the Prime Minister's Office on May 8, Mayor Kishida presented Prime Minister Kishida with two varieties of melons native to Ibaraki Prefecture.

Kishida's face lit up as he tasted the melons. "These are truly delicious," he remarked. "Not only are the taste and aroma unique but so are their colors. They uplift the spirit." 

Mayor Kazuo Kishida (third from left) and Fumio Kishida (center) on May 8 at the Prime Minister's Office. (©Kyodo)

'The World's Best'

The melons presented to PM Kishida included Quincy, known for its vibrant orange flesh, and the local favorite Ibaraking, celebrated for its refreshing sweetness. 

Mayor Kishida offered words of encouragement to the Prime Minister: "When you feel tired, I hope you'll eat the world's best melons and keep pushing forward." He added, "As someone who shares your surname, I offer you my wholehearted support."

PM Kishida takes a bite behind some Ibaraking melons (left) and Quincy melons (right) on May 8. (©Sankei by Ataru Haruna)


(Read the article in Japanese.)

Author: The Sankei Shimbun

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