Dr Maraldo giving a commemorative lecture (©Kanazawa University)
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Kanazawa University honored Professor John Maraldo with its 2024 award for advancing Nishida's philosophical studies calling for harmony with the natural world.
The fifth award ceremony for the Kanazawa University International (KUI) Award was held in Kanazawa City on November 19. This award was established in recognition of the university's ties to Japan's leading philosophers, Kitaro Nishida and Daisetz (DT) Suzuki. Professor Emeritus John C Maraldo, PhD, of the University of North Florida was the 2024 laureate.
In his speech, Dr Maraldo described it as "an incredible honor and an encouragement to all scholars who contribute to Nishida studies." He was recognized for his contributions to the internationalization and development of Japanese philosophical studies.

Reflecting on Nishida's Philosophy
During the lecture, Dr Maraldo related anecdotes from his first visit to Japan in 1971. They included his recollection of how he got to know Nishida and Suzuki. "During my time in Japan, many people welcomed me warmly and supported me,” he said. “I am grateful to all of them. Even now, 40 years later, I feel like I have only just scratched the surface of Suzuki and Nishida's groundbreaking ideas."
Furthermore, Professor Maraldo spoke about the significance of Nishida's philosophy and his own research. "Nishida depicted the self as the focal point of the world,” he stated. “But couldn't we also consider animals 'focal points of the world'? If so, we must also respect animals as the eyes, ears, skin, and touch of the world.
"Unless we respect all living beings, living in defiance of the world will lead to placing the Earth in jeopardy. This is the message I have drawn from Nishida philosophy," he concluded.

Remembering Dr Usui
Professor Maraldo was born in 1942. After receiving his doctorate from the University of Munich, he taught at Sophia University in Tokyo, Southern Illinois University, and the University of North Florida. Additionally, he has been a visiting professor at Kyoto University and a researcher at the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture. Dr Maraldo is recognized as a researcher of Japanese philosophy.

Dr Mitsuru Usui donated the operating funds for the KUI Award. A Kanazawa University School of Medicine alumni, Dr Usui was also formerly the president of Meitokukai Medical Corporation Juzen Memorial Hospital. A moment of silence was observed before the award ceremony in respect for Dr Usui, who passed away suddenly in October. His eldest son, Gaku, follows his father in serving as the current president. He participated in the ceremony, including presenting the prize to Dr Maraldo.
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Author: JAPAN Forward
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