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Have you heard of Lifestyle Researchers?


As the name suggests, their work involves researching and reporting on lifestyles around the world. 600 Japanese women living outside Japan cast their nets wide to share their acute observations.


They usually provide marketing information, but they are now offering good news from countries that have been plunged into chaos by Covid-19. Their work has been welcomed enthusiastically, as it provides inspiration during a time when one is bound to feel increasingly isolated.


Here are some examples.



The Paris Opera




The Paris Opera has decided to put their past performances online for free. A total of eight performances including ballet, opera, and classical concert will be available in a six-day rotation. Check out more detail on the performances here.  



Repetto Ballet Shoes



Ballet shoe company Repetto offers Fit’Ballet: online classes that combine fitness and ballet to be enjoyed at home for a healthy lifestyle.

The session is streamed live on Instagram, but can be viewed afterwards on the official YouTube channel, check out workouts number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.



Famous DJ's




In Berlin, United We Stream, at this link, offers free online streaming of famous DJs, with different DJs everyday.



Time Out-UK



In the UK, Time Out has temporarily rebranded to Time In and has modified their content at this link to provide entertainment at home, adding for example tutorials and classes which can be followed at home, restaurants that do home delivery and much more. 



Scottish Beer Brewery Brewdog



Scottish craft beer brewery Brewdog, at this link, offers support by manufacturing hand sanitizer.



5Lab Company



Thai IT company 5Lab creates website Covid Tracker here, for reliable information. 


China and WeChat




China’s WeChat offers WeChat for Business for free, at this link.


China develops virtual buttons using hologram technology, available at this link. 


Chisa Murakami of Lifestyle Researcher says, “The situation overseas is a battle for survival. It makes me terribly sad. We are at a fork in the road—either we turn this crisis into a business opportunity and figure out a way to survive, or spend our time complaining to the government.”


The Covid-19 storm is ravaging the globe, and the fight against it demands global cooperation. The shared knowledge of many will come into good use and strengthen morale.


Good news always helps during times like these, so we will continue reporting stories that inspire.


Let’s start inspiring those around us!



Author: Yukihiro Watanabe 


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