Released as a warming fall special, MUJI is now serving up an Instant Apple Cinnamon Latte as part of their "café menu" ー and it's delicious.
grape Japan

Apple Cinnamon Latte from Muji on grape Japan

Anyone for an apple cinnamon latte?

Japanese retailer Mujirushi Ryouhin (perhaps better known as MUJI) makes their name (literally) on their their no logo "minimalist" goods that include everything from furniture to stationery. However, they're also quite well known for their surprisingly delicious and affordable snacks, and even recently opened their first ever food-based store stocked with tasty bento and a curry bar.

apple cinnamon latte from MUJI
Instant Apple Cinnamon Latte goes well with your favorite snack on a cold day. (© grape Japan)

So when we heard MUJI had released a new seasonal beverage that's been getting rave reviews, we just had to head to our local MUJI to pick one up and give a whirl! Released as a warming fall special, MUJI is now serving up an Instant Apple Cinnamon Latte as part of their "café menu".

The rest of the article can be viewed on our partner’s website, grape Japan at "MUJI warms you up this winter with a surprisingly delicious Apple Cinnamon Latte."


Author: Grape Japan

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