"Shogun" is not just a slickly-made exotic historical drama. It tells a powerful story...
In their new book, James E Fanell and Bradley A Thayer bring welcome theory...
Dive into sustainable living at SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 in Symbol Promenade Park &...
"I wanted to know about the role of film music. I created this project...
After that sham public consultation, we cannot expect environment ministry officials to sincerely work...
Chiba beat the Utsunomiya Brex in 2OT and Ryukyu edged the Alvark Tokyo to...
In the Inoue-Nery fight, the undisputed Japanese super bantamweight champion displayed the full range...
China's aggressive lithium mining in Tibet is polluting the region's water, soil, and air,...
A UK group says parts from Europe, the US and Japan were found in...
Japan's top securities firms, including SMBC Nikko and Daiwa, reveal solid performance fueled...
Putin, who intends to be president for life, begins his new term trampling on...
Ten Happy Rose, the 14th favorite in the 15-horse field, took the lead late...