The ARDB symbolizes the shift in the JSDF towards becoming a more regular military...
"Hello Kitty could be introduced in almost any design. I think that is her...
In the 100-year edition of the famous game, players explore longevity, well-being, and life's...
At the UN Committee on discrimination against women, the author questioned the double standard...
The offshore carbon capture and storage project aims to capture two million tons of...
Focus on low-income families. Even then, increasing subsidies to local areas alone does not...
Seeking to bolster their pitching staff after missing the playoffs for the 10th straight...
As China deepens its influence in Pakistan through the BRI, locals are wondering whether...
As North Korea continues to detain many abductees, Choi Sun-ryong asks, what kind of...
The Osaka Nakanoshima Museum will host a Capcom exhibition showcasing the company's history, creative...
Motohiko Saito's shock reelection as Hyogo governor disrupted Japan's media landscape and also underscored...
Ehime leads Japan in disaster preparedness with over 24,000 Certified Disaster Response Specialists, ensuring...