Activists in Okinawa, aided by Chinese and North Korean agents and the local media, jeopardize the capability of Japanese and American forces to respond to possible...
Denny Tamaki was pronounced as the new governor of Okinawa after a divisive campaign that remained singularly focused on the presence of American...
The Sankei Shimbun Shinzo Abe is set to lead the longest-ever stable government in the history of Japan’s constitutional administration. Mr....
James E. Auer Must Futenma—the United States Marine Corps airfield in Okinawa—remain open even if the heliport addition near Henoko is finally...
What do these people have in common? Citizens of three small villages in the eastern part of Nago City Military pilots based in Japan...
In an election that will have historic implications for the realignment of United States facilities in Okinawa, Taketoyo Toguchi, a five-term city assembly member, defeated...