"Unoha," a Noh play banned for three centuries until the 1990s, was staged at Cape Udozaki, where its story about the birth of Emperor Jimmu's father...
The Sumida Hokusai Museum in Tokyo is staging the theater life of the Edo era in its latest exhibition of acclaimed illustrator, Katsushika Hokusai.
The longer the National Theater is closed, the greater the risk that intangible cultural assets of these performing arts are not passed down to new generations.
The Japanese traditional comedic art form called rakugo has only grown in popularity in the 21st Century. Are there stylistic factors behind this success, or is...
Above: Shiki Theatre Company's original production titled 'Robot in the Garden' opened at Tokyo’s Jiyu Theatre on October 3 and will run until November 29. ...
Matsumoto Koshiro "I will do anything to prevent the coronavirus from extinguishing the fire of kabuki," said actor Matsumoto Kōshirō X in an August 5...