Biei lies in the foothills of Mt. Tokachi, an active volcano in central Hokkaido. It has become beloved for its pastoral scenery and a mysterious aquatic attraction, the Blue Pond, created by happy coincidence.
With an area larger than Tokyo’s 23 wards, you might imagine that Biei is difficult to traverse without a car. Yet from spring to summer, the lack of busy traffic, cool Hokkaido breeze and astonishing scenery all make this charming region perfect for cycling. With that in mind, we’d like to share our perfect 2-day (1 night) Biei cycling itinerary with you.
Notes on the Biei Cycling Itinerary
Before we begin, a note on Biei’s tourism manners; the fields and meadows that make up Biei’s rolling hills are all private property. Setting foot into fields without permission is trespassing, an offence punishable by fines or even jail time. What’s more, bacteria and pests clinging to the underside of your shoes can get into the soil, causing diseases and damage to Biei’s crops. Yikes! With that in mind, please practice responsible tourism and keep your feet firmly on asphalt roads during your visit.
9:00AMGetting in the Saddle
As you arrive at JR Biei Station, you’ll be greeted by the towering Mt. Tokachi. Your first stop is Shiki-no-Jouhoukan Tourism Information Centre next to Biei Station, where you can pick up some free road maps and store any luggage.
(You can read the rest of the article at this link. This article was first published by Team JJ on October 1, 2021. Check here for deeper and unique insights into visiting Japan, including wellness, travel, cuisine and more. Find us on Instagram and on Facebook.)
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