In 2023, Princess Kako undertook many official duties, championing inclusivity, including engaging with the...
Children are participating in hands-on learning about climate change when insulating their schools, but...
The export to the US of Patriot missiles made under US license shows Japan...
Initially marketed for Halloween, the secret of the hand-crafted "tax hike glasses" lies in...
Check out the best of 2023 through the top 25 articles on JAPAN Forward,...
The certification is supposed to confirm that the vehicle complies with safety standards. Toyota,...
Sanrio President Tomokuni Tsuji shares exclusive insights into taking the business of kawaii global...
Guided by Christophe Lemaire, Regaleira earned her first JRA Grade 1 title in the...
In an interview, Nobukatsu Fujioka and Yumiko Yamamoto discuss J Mark Ramseyer’s new book...
Incineration technology expert Yasuo Suzuki of JFE Engineering shares insights on the urgent need...
Locally brewed soy sauce further enhances the umami of Mushroom Ichiman, a versatile seasoning...
Check out the best of 2023 through the 25 most-read articles on JAPAN Forward,...