Looking Back ー And Forward
It is still my prayer that people who were displaced by the disaster be able to return to their homes. Although much progress has been made ensuring the safety of Fukushima products and infrastructure, a recent survey by NHK indicates that only 37% of the respondents feel that the recovery [from the 2011 disaster] has reached completion.
Out of the prefectures in Tohoku that were affected by the earthquake and tsunami, Fukushima is arguably the one that has suffered the most. It is still dealing with the nuclear power station disaster. Nearby countries such as South Korea and Taiwan had terminated certain business operations and banned food imports from the region (Taiwan has since lifted its ban), and there were no international direct flights in and out of Fukushima to either destinations.
Using March 11 every year as a marker for the next however many years it takes, each and every one of us should make it our responsibility to contribute something to help restore Fukushima and Tohoku to a condition closer to the state they were in the year before the disaster.
Everyone is encouraged to learn about the recovery efforts that are happening, and especially how much the people have moved forward with their lives since that terrible day 11 years ago.
Listen to the companion story.
Author: Galileo