Jaspan's Heisei Emperor and Empress at Ise Jingu
Map of Ise Jingu Inner Shrine - Kotajingu -
Naruhito at Ise Jingu as Crown Prince
Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako Visit Geku at Ise Jingu
Toyo’uke-no-Omikami, Kami of Abundant Foods, Cloth and Shelter
Ujibashi Bridge - Ise Jingu Shrine Hosts World Leaders for G7 Summit with Prayers for Peace
Ise Jingu Inner Shrine renewed and rebuilt - a Place to Pray for the Emperor and the Nation
Crown Prince Naruhito, Crown Princess Masako and Princess Aiko Pay Respects to Amaterasu at Ise Shrine
Ise Jingu - A Place to Thank the Kami and Pray for Japan

The Story of Amaterasu and the Sacred Mirror, Search for a Place of Enshrinement
Yamatohime - the Revelation of Ise as the place of Amaterasu's enshrinement
Shogu, a Divine Palace of Amaterasu, inside Ise Jingu.
Toyo’uke-no-Omikami, Kami of Abundant Foods, Cloth and Shelter
Children bearing offerings of cloth at Ise Jingu
Blessing of the Gift of Rice, guarded by Toyo'uke-no-Omikami
Preserving the Story of Amaterasu and Finding Ise for her Place of Enshrinement
Sacred Rice, gift of Amaterasu, Preparing for the Daijosai
Sacred Gift of Cloth entrusted to Toyo'uke-no-Omikami by Amaterasu
Telling the Story of Ise Jingu and the gifts of Amaterasu
Repository of the Three Sacred Treasures and Enshrinement of Amaterasu
Telling the Story of Ise Jingu and Enshrinement of Amaterasu
Crown Prince Naruhito Celebrates Matsuri at Ise Jingu
Planting Gift of Sacred Rice - Ise Jingu
Sacred Rice, gift of Amaterasu, Preparing for the Daijosai
Ritual of Thanks for Many Products - Ise Jingu
Ritual and Celebration - Ise Jingu
Memories of Imperial History through Matsuri
Ritual and Celebration of the Gift of Good Harvest
Ise Jingu - Protecting Sacred Treasures while moving them during rebuilding
Emperor escorts Three Sacred Treasures -end of Heisei Era
Ise Jingu Matsuri - Ritual Preparations for Shikinen Sengu - renewal and rebuilding
Ise Jingu Matsuri
Ise Jingu Matsuri
Ise Jingu Matsuri
Storytelling with Puppets
Ise Jingu Matsuri
Ise Jingu Matsuri

Prayers to the kami of trees for renewal of Ise Jingu
Shikinen Sengu Matsuri - Honoring Kami of Trees sellected for rebuilding
Ise Jingu Matsuri - Ritual Preparations for Shikinen Sengu - renewal and rebuilding
Preparing a selected log for Shikinen Sengu renewal and rebuilding rituals at Ise Jingu
Ise Jingu - Moving the Log Selected for Renewal and Rebuilding - Shikinen Sengu
Ise Jingu - moving the logs selected for Shikinen Sengu rituals
Rituals of Shikinen Sengu at Ise Jingu
Renewal and Rebuilding at Ise Jingu
Preparing a structure for renewal and rebuilding at Ise Jingu
Artistic Skills preserved as one aspect of Shikinen Sengu
Rituals in the Renewal and Rebuilding at Ise Jing
Festive rituals of renewal and rebuilding - Ise Shrine
Rituals of Shikinen Sengu - Pillars of the sacred buildings
Shikinen Sengu - rituals and appreciation artists and workmen after a job well done
Returning the Sacred Treasures after the completion or renewal and rebuilding at Ise Jingu
式年遷宮はもうーつ、私たちの技と心を次世代へ伝承させてゆくことを可能にするという、 非常に重要な役割を果たしています。 この継承は建築技術の伝承のみならず、714種の御装束・神宝の調製に関わる1000年以上にも及ぶ美術の伝統をも維持しているのです。遷宮後は、古い御殿は解体され、その大部分の木材は日本全国のその他の神社へと譲与されるなどして再利用されます。 また正宮の屋根を支えていた棟持柱は慣例として、内宮入口にかかる宇治橋の鳥居として再利用されています。
[Soul of Japan]
1.What is Shinto?
2.Kami, the Divine Powers of Nature
3.Matsuri, the Sacred Rituals of Prayers and Festivities
4.Jinja: Places of Worship Infused with Nature’s Energy
5.The Divine Age of Shinto
6.Amano-Iwato, the Celestial Cave
7.Ninigi-no-Mikoto, the Kami Who Established A Nation
8.Ise Jingu, a Place to Pray for the Imperial Family and the Nation
9.The Enshrinement of Amaterasu-Omikami at Jingu
10.Imperial Rituals of Matsuri at Jingu
11.Shikinen Sengu, the Ritual of Rebuilding and Renewal