Toshihiko Isao receives the 15th Award of the International Ukiyo-e Society for being the scholar in Japan to focus on the appeal of the artist Utagawa...
“Do you know about Ryuseito?" asked Kuniichi Takami, 48, as he slowly took out a dagger, otherwise known as tanto (短刀, literally short sword).
The prestigious Præmium Imperiale award, which recognizes the achievements of artists from all over the world, will officially not be held in 2020. The...
When living in Japan, you might notice that as you approach March 3 the decorations for Hinamatsuri start appearing. During this festivity to wish...
The samurai artist Tetsuro Shimaguchi is set to receive the “Premio Consonanze: I Protagonisti della Creatività” award in Florence, Italy, on...