There is a dire shortage of home care providers in Japan. Help them overcome language and cultural barriers, and have better working conditions.
A recent study of dementia by Japan's health ministry shares helpful ideas for communities to build a better environment for active, aging populations.
Toxic compounds were found in gummies. However, regulation won't be effective if, every time a designation is made, a new synthetic drug is introduced.
With the advent of a "many deaths society," there is an urgent need for at-home nursing care, home-visit medical care, and end-of-life care at home.
The author invites deep soul-searching on Japan's economic and corporate reforms since the 1980s and as appropriate, action mitigating their impact on society.
We have seen COVID-19 gradually weaken in Japan over time. It is now time to move into a new and healthy future, without the pandemic-fueled burden...
Shionogi's Xocova is Japan's first domestically produced COVID drug to gain approval for practical use as preparation gear up for the "eighth wave."