The original film festival poster unveiled by the University of Malaga in Spain is shown on the left, and the redesigned poster in response to Korean...
Peter Tasker Who is Ryoma? He’s a topnotch swordsman who takes on 30 kendo opponents in a row and leaves them all battered and bruised....
Daniel Okimoto as an infant wrapped in the American flag in his mothers' hand at Santa Anita Racetrack. The picture was painted by Okimotos' sister, Ruth Yoshiko. ...
Akiko Macdonald (center) was treated as VIP and escorted by the armed local police officers Places where battles took place always have sad stories...
After the United States military had learned of the Nishikaichi incident, Army Lt. Jack Armstrong of the 740th Ordnance Company was sent to Niihau...
Mention “Pearl Harbor” to any American, and they will probably think immediately of ships. The December 7th, 1941, Japanese attack on the United States Pacific...