Adjustments for Action Shots
It was I was shooting the action that I noticed a very slight lag from when I would push the shutter button to when the image was actually captured. Maybe this is just a difference between the timing of my usual camera and the 907X 50C, but it did take me a few tries to get the timing down.
With freestyle football, the peak of the action is such a quick moment that this timing can be quite difficult, even in the best of situations. Fortunately, after a few test shots we got the timing down, and really had no major issues for the rest of the shoot.
One other aspect of using this camera I really liked was how the auto focus worked. Normally to focus an image I would be looking through a viewfinder, set the focus point, and half press the shutter to focus where I want.
Since the 907X 50C has no viewfinder, all the focusing has to be done on the LCD screen, which is actually super easy! Just touch the screen where you want to focusーand it focuses. Want to focus for a portrait? Just poke your subject in the eye on the LCD and there you go, done.