Tokyo’s Akihabara district is known as a place for otaku culture, such as anime, manga, maid cafes, and underground idols. However, 11 years ago a...
“Japan blue” is the color of the emblem for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020, as well as the uniform for the Japan National...
(Photo Credit: Naoki) Katsuobushi — dried, fermented, and smoked skipjack tuna — is probably more widely-known as a topping of takoyaki and...
(Photo Credit: Naoki) While Harajuku is more internationally known for its distinctive fashion styles, Shibuya is the heart of mainstream young fashion in Japan. ...
(Photo Credit: Naoki) Shiho Starla Kay in Yokohama, Kanagawa Pikachu Outbreak has now become an annual summer event where people can...