The author is on assignment this weekend, but it’s been a busy month so far.
In last week's Japan Sports Notebook, an overview of the ongoing and upcoming sports calendar is showcased.
The B. League opening week recap is here.
In an Odds and Evens column, the author examines Chunichi Dragons pitcher Yudai Ono’s career-high number of complete games this season within the broader context of pro baseball’s huge reduction in complete games. See the article here.
In the latest installment in the Nomomania series, a look back at former Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Hideo Nomo’s groundbreaking MLB career, broadcaster Vin Scully’s on-air insights from 1995 are featured here.
Yui Kamiji defeated Momoko Ohtani in the French Open women’s wheelchair singles final in the first Grand Slam singles final with two Japanese players.
Look for our updates during the week at [this link].
Editor’s note: Interested in submitting a news item for possible inclusion in the Japan Sports Notebook? Send an email with relevant information to e.odeven@japan-forward.com, or JAPAN Forward’s comment’s page or Facebook page and look for future editions of Japan Sports Notebook on our website.
Author: Ed Odeven
Follow Ed on JAPAN Forward's [Japan Sports Notebook] here on Sundays, in [Odds and Evens] here during the week, and Twitter @itsjapanforward.