Pops of pink in Tokyo's cityscape signal the arrival of peak sakura season. Many...
Takano is pioneering a more inclusive approach for Japanese and foreign students at the...
If South Korea continues to distort historical facts, and Japan continues to bow down...
Women's champion Mao Shimada and men's gold medalist Kao Miura headlined Japan's four-medal haul...
Beijing's militarization of the South China Sea renders negotiations futile and could prompt the...
Hoshino's discovery has opened up new avenues for cancer treatment. Her outreach to young...
Hannan City and Kansai Airports are partnering up to bring back vitality to eelgrass...
The French-Japanese alliance equalizes roles with Nissan and embarks on a new cross-industry strategy...
As early-blooming cherry blossom trees herald the arrival of spring, reports have emerged of...
The H3 rocket being developed by JAXA and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is at the...
"We welcome the move to restore healthy relations between Japan and South Korea that...
It's never just a simple land purchase. The Chinese Communist Party can declare an...