There are many reasons women, including the comfort women, enter prostitution. Regardless of the reason, when it comes to the sex business, coercion is a given.
To find the truth about the comfort women, there must be critical, fact-based discussion from different perspectives, say participants in a recent online event.
In a liberal democracy, we should debate, not demonize, our opponents. You're invited to join an online event on June 2, "Comfort Women Scholars On Trial."
Professor Lew Seok-choon is facing charges of defaming former comfort women during a classroom debate, but the prosecution has failed to provide evidence.
"Ghosts in the Neighborhood" has its issues. But the primary argument is well made: in postwar reconciliation, apology is not the most important factor.
The middle of the memoir focuses on Shinzo Abe in his second term, Abenomics and diplomacy, through which he reshaped Japan's place among global statesmen.
South Korea has had tortured relations with Pyongyang and Tokyo. The author discusses them and offers suggestions on some complex factors behind the problem.
"I am aware that there are several issues that still need to be addressed" with South Korea, but will build on a mutual relationship of trust,...
A particularly reflective ornithological bugbear of Hiroaki Sato is how America, a land of immigrants, could be so hostile to "alien species."
The issues are difficult, but President Yoon Suk-yeol of South Korea shows courage in floating a new proposal to end the acrimony with Japan, says Mr...
The comfort women myth has already deeply wounded Japan-South Korea relations. Is the latest breakthrough enough to promote a resolution in this history war?
While Pyongyang foments rancor in the comfort women issue, "The path to friendship between Japan and South Korea lies in the facts" ーProfessor Tsutomu Nishioka.