America's Taiwan Relations Act has flaws, but Japan's lack of comparable legislation leaves its people and territory vulnerable in a Taiwan contingency.
Abe understood that the fate of many countries depends upon the security of Taiwan, and why a Taiwan contingency is also the world’s contingency.
What’s being debated in Japan, and what’s trending? The Week is a podcast that sets out to help you stay informed on news, culture and more.
A former Chinese labor camp survivor analyzes an audio file that, while not independently verified, is raising concerns about the country’s military intentions.
A fight to defend Taiwan will be far more deadly than Ukraine. So what if Japan takes the lead by ending its own strategic ambiguity first?
“Being able to exercise the right of collective self-defense means nothing more than avoiding getting dragged into a war,” he said at a recent symposium.
“Japan must work to defend itself, and must maintain the power needed to prevent war from breaking out in the first place” ー Former PM Shinzo...
“The US policy of ambiguity toward Taiwan is now fostering instability in the Indo-Pacific region,” former PM Shinzo Abe wrote.