Widely known for the videogame "The Ghost of Tsushima," the island has been both a fortress and gateway to the world. Now, it's stepping up its...
An extremely rare sighting and photograph of the endangered Hodgson's bat in Japan has excited experts and drawn attention to the biodiversity of Tsushima.
The akagome rice ritual helps preserve a resilient, ancient grain in Tsushima and the ceremony has been recognized as an Intangible Folk Cultural Heritage.
The new law helps to identify and limit national security threats, but concerns remain about allowing foreign ownership of lands near “vigilance areas.”
Ghost of Tsushima, a video game produced by Sucker Punch and set in feudal Japan, has managed to rally fans to bring some real help on...
Feature photo: Votive tablet showing Meiji era whaling by shooting at Hirado, Seto (Last of 2 Parts) Part 1: Sustaining Human Life: The Birth of Traditional...
(Above) Whale float of the Yorozuya district in the Nagasaki Kunchi festival (1st of two parts in a History of Japanese Whaling) Part 2: Prospects...
First of Four Parts Part 2: Protect the ‘Singing Sands’ from Ocean Waste Part 3: ‘Port of Humanity’ Tackling Ocean Waste Part 4: Pursuit of Clean...
The Sankei Shimbun Prime Minister Shinzo Abe intends to propose a solution to the global problem of marine plastic waste, with details...